In many ways forex is the king of modern markets, dwarfing all others with its unrivalled daily turnover and liquidity. Forex trades 24 hours per day, five days a week and is one of the most vibrant and potentially lucrative markets available to traders. At LCG we offer over 60 forex pairs with razor thin spreads and lightning fast execution. If you're a serious forex trader, you want serious technology that's going to keep up with you day and night. With thinkorswim you get a completely integrated platform that features everything you need to perform technical analysis, gain insight, generate new ideas, and stay on top of the international monetary scene.
Tax laws depend on individual circumstances. Tax law may differ in a jurisdiction other than the UK. By using related companies, Secure obscured the paper trail of investor funds that would end up with the firm. Due to the Swiss National Bank removal of the Swiss peg to the Euro, two brokerages went under. One broker in New Zealand and Alpari's UK division due to losses exceeding excess capital.
Not implementing a risk/reward plan- I am going to say this once. Not all trades are created equal. Some trades are better than others and if you can only make the trades that have a high chance of profitability, you would be better served betting in the casinos on the roulette wheel. You can easily develop a risk/reward plan by understanding that the market traditionally will pull back or rally to certain percentages, otherwise known as Fibonacci numbers.
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Emotional Control: You have to develop a disciplined approach to the forex market, execute by the numbers for buys and sells, and prevent your emotions from interfering with the process. There is a psychology to trading, and you can be your own worst enemy if you do not follow a fixed routine. Many novice traders are unaware of the mental attitude necessary for successful trading. Many conscious and subconscious elements of personality can and often do get manifested for the first time when a person begins trading for their own account. Seasoned professionals have minimized emotional and character elements with education, practice experience, and using a step-by-step� trading plan.