Foreign exchange, also known as forex or FX, refers to the world's many currencies, and the foreign exchange market is where these different currencies are traded. What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses or seminars that you'd have to pay for. Anyway, I don't believe in sugarcoating anything or giving you false hopes of success. There are enough swindlers doing that already. I want to give you the facts, like 'em or not, so you're empowered to take action and make positive decisions on how to succeed in the Forex markets.
Money transfer companies /remittance companies perform high-volume low-value transfers generally by economic migrants back to their home country. In 2007, the Aite Group estimated that there were $369 billion of remittances (an increase of 8% on the previous year). The four largest markets ( India , China , Mexico and the Philippines ) receive $95 billion. The largest and best known provider is Western Union with 345,000 agents globally, followed by UAE Exchange citation needed Bureaux de change or currency transfer companies provide low value foreign exchange services for travelers. These are typically located at airports and stations or at tourist locations and allow physical notes to be exchanged from one currency to another. They access the foreign exchange markets via banks or non bank foreign exchange companies.
Forex signal generators produce Forex signals which are indicators of ideal trading opportunities. These are certain algorithmic patterns which have been evident in successful Forex trades throughout the years. These Forex signals are then fed onto the program of Forex automated EA or Expert Advisors. This program will then either make Forex trading decisions for the individual while s/he is away from the computer or advice the individual about what to do. Forex EAs act like wizards which monitor currency ratings through online Forex Trading Platforms. One can look at Forex signals as triggers of commands which allow the automated system to function.
Some of these factors include political stability, interest rates, inflation, terms of trade, public debt and current account deficits. For example, in the case of interest rates, if rates are higher, lenders get a better return compared to those in a country with lower rates; therefore the higher rates attract foreign capital which causes the exchange rate to rise. This is one of the reasons forex traders may look to trade on interest rate announcements from central banks like the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of England.
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